You might be wondering Why can’t you lose  weight even at  least 1000 calories a day when you do a HIIT workout 3x a week?

Even though you’re working hard, burning a ton of calories, and sweating buckets, you still can’t seem to lose those last few pounds.

It’s possible that you’re overestimating how many calories you’re actually burning.

In this blog post, I will break down the science behind HIIT workouts and explain why they might not be as effective for weight loss as you thought.

Why Can’t I Lose weight when I do HIIT workout 3x a week?

There are a few reasons why you might not be losing weight and calories a day from HIIT workouts. First, if you’re only working out for three days a week, you might not be burning enough calories to make a significant impact on your weight.

Second, HIIT workouts are very intense and can actually lead to an increase in appetite, which could offset any calorie burn. Besides, everyone’s body is different and some people simply don’t lose weight as quickly as others.

Finally, it might be that your diet isn’t as clean as it could be, and you’re not giving your body the nutrients it needs to lose weight.

If you’re eating a lot of processed foods, for example, you might not see the results you want from your workouts.

1. If you’re only working out for three days a week, you might not be burning enough calories.

If you’re only working out for three days a week, you might not be burning enough calories.

A high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout burns more calories in a shorter amount of time than a traditional workout, but you still need to be doing it regularly to see results.

Try increasing your frequency to four or five times a week and see if that makes a difference.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to fitness!

2. HIIT workouts are very intense and can actually lead to an increase in appetite, which could offset any calorie burn

While HIIT workouts are great for burning calories and helping with weight loss, they are also very intense. This intensity can actually lead to an increase in appetite, which could offset any calorie burn.

So if you’re looking to lose  at 1000 calories a day, you need to make sure that you’re doing HIIT workouts in moderation, and not overdoing it.

You can practice HIIT workouts at home by following a video or tutorial, but make sure to warm up properly first.


Before doing any high-intensity interval training (HIIT), it’s important that you warm up properly.

A good warm-up will help increase your heart rate gradually and prepare your muscles for the intense exercise ahead. It’s also a good idea to do some dynamic stretching, which involves moving your joints and muscles through their full range of motion.

To warm up for a HIIT workout, start by doing some light cardiovascular activity for five to ten minutes.

This could be jogging, walking, or cycling at a low intensity.

Then, do some dynamic stretches like leg swings, arm circles, and trunk rotations.

Finally, end your warm-up with some high-knee marching in place or jumping jacks to get your heart rate up.

Why Can't I Lose weight when I do HIIT workout 3x a week? (Explained)

HIIT Workout:

After you’ve warmed up properly, you’re ready to start your HIIT workout. For this type of exercise, you’ll alternate between periods of intense activity and active recovery.

The intense intervals should last for 30 seconds to one minute, and the recovery intervals should last for one to two minutes. Beginners may want to start with shorter intervals and longer recovery periods.

Some examples of HIIT exercises that you can do at home include sprinting in place, jump squats, burpees, push-ups, and mountain climbers.

If you’re new to HIIT, start with one minute of intense activity followed by one minute of active recovery.

As you get more comfortable with the workout, you can increase the intensity and length of the intervals.

Be sure to listen to your body during a HIIT workout and take breaks as needed. It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the exercise and to cool down properly afterward.

To cool down, do some light cardio for five minutes and then stretch all your major muscle groups.

3. Everyone’s body is different and some people simply don’t lose weight as quickly as others

There are a lot of factors that play into weight loss, and unfortunately, everyone’s body is different.

For some people, it may be easier to lose weight quickly while others have to work a bit harder.

Additionally, there are other things that can affect weight loss, such as diet and exercise.

If you’re doing a HIIT workout three times per week and not seeing the results you want, it might be time to mix things up. Try adding in some strength training or changing your diet slightly.

Everyone’s body is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to losing weight.

However, by making small changes and being patient, you’ll eventually see the results you’re looking for!

4. It might be that your diet isn’t as clean as it could be.

It’s possible that you’re not seeing the results you want because your diet isn’t as clean as it could be. When you work out, you create a caloric deficit, but if that deficit is being filled by unhealthy foods, then you’re not going to see the results you’re hoping for.

Try cleaning up your diet and see if that makes a difference in your weight loss.

You can check your diet by using a food tracker app or website. Make sure you’re getting enough protein, fiber, and healthy fats, and limit your intake of processed foods, sugary drinks, and alcohol.

Once you clean up your diet, you might be surprised at how much easier it is to lose weight.

Another possibility is that you’re not working out hard enough.

HIIT workouts are great for burning calories, but if you’re not pushing yourself to your max, then you might not be seeing the results you want.

Check this out  >>>  The reason why you are not losing weight even when you workout regularly >>

Make sure you’re really challenging yourself during your workouts and see if that makes a difference.

Finally, it’s possible that you simply need to be patient.

Weight loss takes time, and even with a good workout routine and a healthy diet, it can take weeks or months to see results.

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see the number on the scale going down. Immediately keep at it and eventually, you will see results.

Final thoughts

So, while HIIT workouts are great for burning calories and fat, don’t expect to be able to lose weight and burn calories per day by doing them.

To really see results, you’ll need to combine your HIIT routine with a healthy diet and plenty of water.

In addition, don’t forget to rest and recover properly after your workouts!

Are you currently incorporating HIIT into your workout routine?

What has been your experience so far? Let us know in the comments below!